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Kaweah Subbasin and SGMA

The Kaweah Subbasin is a prime agricultural area in the Central Valley, where groundwater is a major source of water for landowners and residents who live and farm within the region.

The Subbasin is tasked under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), a California law passed in 2014, with ensuring this groundwater supply is available for years to come. This means correcting the estimated 80,000 acre-feet of groundwater overdraft occurring on average every year. 

The three Groundwater Sustainability Agencies in the Kaweah Subbasin are implementing groundwater allocations and pumping caps in response to this pressing need.

A water management tool for the future

Kaweah Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) have a long-term plan for the Water Dashboard that addresses the needs of their landowners and growers. Development of the Water Dashboard is being done in phases. The first phase, launched in July 2022, delivers key water use insights at the farm level through historical evapotranspiration (ET) data, updated monthly on growers’ accounts.